Saturday, March 31, 2012

What's In A Name

Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch. What a name.
Do guys think about what its like for girls to change their name when they get married? Do they realize the attachment someone can have to a name, and how it feels to both let go of a name, and adjust to a new one? I've had my name for over 23 years now. It just rolls off my tongue. Its on my stationary, my email address, drivers license, and a million other places. Then one day I'm expected to identify myself as another name.
Not taking my husbands name isn't something I believe in, nor is the dreadful hyphen. "Steenman-Vanduilen" anyone? I think not. [made up names]
Before I met my current other-half I worried that I would hate the last name of my future spouse. I don't love my future last name but it isn't dreadful and is easy to spell. That's all I can ask for.

On a tech note, there was some anticipation followed by an expected letdown by the non-release of ICS for my Epic Touch. There is much talk that it is for sure coming soon, but we aren't sure when. Speculation now is mid-April. The waiting continues. . .
I did root my xoom and put ICS on that, but I refuse to mess with my in-use phone. My life depends on this phone so I won't risk having it out of commission for amy amount of time.